People Should Be Free

Welcome! Remember when websites stopped serving text? I don't, because by in large websites are still indeed displayed text. Somewhere along the way we, as a society, determined whiz-bang effects were the most interesting things since sliced bread. What more do we need, however, than the information displayed on the page?
Most of my work can be found on my Github: TopDownTom. The repositories there serve to house code written for various coffee projects, Linux userspace configuration files particular to my needs, as well as Ansible code for automated installation of an encrypted Arch Linux system.

This website is maintained via Ansible, both the static components comprising the frontend but also server-side configuration. An Ansible repository of a stripped-down version of this website exists on my GitHub. It's missing several key components specific to my site, for obvious security reasons, but it should get you going in the right direction. Please read the README, and report issues to electronicTelegrams|at|protonmail|dot|com.

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